The dilemma between New York and Venice is as old as civilization itself. It involves weighing whether the burden of the past is greater than the potential of the future... a crossroads at which many cities throughout history have found themselves.
Venice led cultural, artistic, and architectural progress during the Renaissance.
New York became a symbol of prosperity, capitalism, and the archetype of the modern city in the early 20th century.
Both cities, in their respective eras, reached the pinnacle of prosperity and innovation.
However, nothing lasts forever, and both cities saw their status questioned due to global conflicts, political tensions, and economic downturns.
Today, Venice has turned into a museum city, while New York, for the time being, strives to avoid that fate and continues to reinvent itself.
Discover what Venice might look like today if it had remained at the forefront of progress, with projects by Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, or Kahn. Or how New York plans to remain the skyscraper capital.
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